Launch Tidy TRIAX Campaign

April sees the beginning of the ‘Tidy Triax’ campaign with local schools, NIHE and DCC all involved in promoting the ‘Tidy Triax’ message. The Department for Social Development, Derry City Council and TRIAX NMT have been working together to reduce litter and increasing recycling within the area.


Over 60 litter bins have been sited within the area and Danielle Doherty of the NMT is working with DCC’s recycling officer in local schools. The Derry Journal have initiated a litter ‘hotline’ .

See Derry Journal.

DSD Minister Margaret Richie visited Creggan Neighbourhood Partnership to view the work completed by students from local primary and secondary schools. The project Central @ 70 was funded through DSD NWDO.  The project aims to assist local schoolchildren and residents in visualising what Central Drive in Creggan might look like in the next decade.


Pupils discussed with DSD Minister Ritchie their views on what was needed within the Central Drive area and showed work they had completed.
