The TRIAX Neighbourhood Management Team are based at two locations within the TRIAX area, the Gasyard Centre Lecky Road and the Creggan Neighbourhood Partnership building in Central Drive. The core team is made up of 3 development workers, Colm Barton, Catherine Pollock and Kevin Campbell along with the manager who is Donna Mc Closkey and the finance & admin manager who is Julie Mc Glinchey.
The NMT plays a central role in bringing together key stakeholders within the area such as Derry City Council, NIHE, DRD and DSD representatives. Together they are working to deliver on the TRIAX Action Plan particularly the ‘liveability agenda’ – graffiti removal, street cleanliness, safer communities.
From the TNMT came the Tús Maith Project which is run throughout the whole of Triax and their aim is to make the area more appealing for the local residents. The Tus Maith team consists of 4 core workers, Jonathon Kelly, Ciaran Doherty, Michael Kelly and Gerry Ward. Throughout the year the team takes on a number of work placements and provides them the opportunity to gain a bit of work experience and where possible offers training courses.They offer the following services and more:
- Grass Cutting
- Yard Clearance
- Power Washing
- Painting
For further updates on the work and upcoming events being carried out by the Triax Neighbourhood Management Team you can find them on facebook, username Triax Nmt or alternatively you can contact us on either 71261916 or 71281900.